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Secrets You Can Steal from Professional Conflict Mediators

WHEN: 8/25/23 - 9:30am PST, 12:30 pm EST

DURATION: 55 "get-in-get-out" minutes

FOR WHO: If you’re human, this is for you.

WHAT YOU'LL LEARN: This workshop will reveal the key strategies and techniques used by professional conflict mediators to resolve disputes effectively. Participants will learn practical skills for managing difficult conversations and reaching mutually beneficial outcomes in a variety of settings.

This game changing workshop is not the same-old same-old. Join us. You’ll be happy you did.

Impact your ability to:

  • Resist your natural inclinations that make conflict worse
  • Utilize non obvious and emotionally honest techniques to get people to listen to you
  • Classify conflict management styles, so you can appropriately adjust your approach

We’ll bring the real-world techniques we use at Gravity. They work.

NO CAN SPAM We will keep your email safe.

You're in. While you're here, why not book a workshop for your team today?

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