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Microsoft Copilot - Dive into Microsoft's AI Assistant

WHEN: 6/27/24 - 9:30 am PST, 12:30 pm EST

DURATION: 55 "get-in-get-out" minutes

FOR WHO: Anyone who wants to leverage Office 365's AI capabilities to boost productivity.

WHAT YOU'LL LEARN: In this fantastic experiential workshop, we will reveal the mindset required to work effectively with AI and the AI tools available to you NOW in Office 365.

The time you'll save and the confidence you'll gain as you move into the AI future are difficult to overestimate.

Take just an hour out of your day to join us for this free workshop. This isn't a teaser. You'll gain real knowledge and skills that will make a difference, and you'll be glad you did.

Impact your ability to:

  • Gain a clear understanding of how to communicate with AI, and confidence that you're staying up-to-date with advancements
  • Do better work and save a significant amount of time by effectively using your AI assistant
  • Make office do your bidding, like write complex Excel formulas that were previously out of reach

We’ll bring the real-world techniques we use at Gravity. They work.

NO CAN SPAM We will keep your email safe.

You're in. While you're here, why not book a workshop for your team today?

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