function custom_head_code() { if (is_product()) { echo ' '; } } add_action('wp_head', 'custom_head_code');

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Time Management with Outlook

WHEN: 03/03/2023 - 9:30am PST, 12:30 pm EST

DURATION: 30 "get-in-get-out" minutes

FOR WHO: Humans are pretty bad at managing time. So, if you’re human, this is for you.

WHAT YOU'LL LEARN: We’ll bring the real-world techniques we use at Gravity. This stuff works. All you need is a few structures and practices you can put in place. The difference is HUGE.

Impact your ability to:

  • Correctly estimate time
  • Keep track of things so you don’t forget
  • Keep email from derailing your tasks every single day
  • Relax and avoid overpromising

We’ll bring the real-world techniques we use at Gravity. They work.

NO CAN SPAM We will keep your email safe.

You're in. While you're here, why not book a workshop for your team today?

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