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March 21, 2024 9:30 AM PT    12:30 PM ET

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Excel: Power User Techniques for the Occasional User

WHEN: 4/25/24 - 9:30am PST, 12:25 pm EST

DURATION: 55 minutes

FOR WHO: If you are someone who needs useful time saving Excel tools that will make you say: "I wish I knew this years ago!", then this is for you.

WHAT YOU'LL LEARN: We will remove the mystery of tools in Excel that often trip us up, leading to slowing us down, and the frustration that goes along with it.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Why sorting is so persnickety and how to make things better
  • Reverse engineer a sheet by tracking down the inputs and outputs of any formula
  • Direct attention to the right data with "specialized views" of your worksheets
  • Save time by learning to adjust multiple worksheets at the same time

We’ll bring the real-world techniques we use at Gravity. They work.

NO CAN SPAM We will keep your email safe.

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