How to Get 180% Better Learning Results
When we set out to design Gravity Learning's Certificate Series we did our homework and it paid off. Here's the scientific design of our Certificate Series.

The Story of Our Program Design
At Gravity Learning, we're creative and innovative people, but we also know that it’s always a good idea to do research first. We asked, “What kind of data could best guide the design of an awesome learning program?”
Then, we got to researching. After a lot of work, we hit gold.
Learning Based on 32 Studies
A game changing meta-analytic—a study that analyzes other studies--compared thirty two journal-published studies contrasting training alone versus a series of “spread-out” learning sessions.
The comparison measured “learning transfer”-- whether people actually apply the learning on the job.
The Surprising Findings
It’s probably not surprising that spread-out learning is most effective. What is surprising is the biggest impact has nothing to do with the classroom experience. Instead, the biggest boost comes from what you do before and after the classroom experience.
When done correctly, learning in a series increases application of the learning an average of 180%. That’s not an “up to” increase. That’s the average!

Source: Leimbach, Michael. "Learning transfer model: a research‐driven approach to enhancing learning effectiveness." Industrial and Commercial Training (2010).
We think it's very cool that you're the kind of person who expands journal citations.
- here's the link -
Here's How to Get 180% Better Results
To achieve a 180% average increase in learning application the learning experience must include the following elements.
(Spoiler alert: at Gravity Learning, we include them all.)
Increase Motivation to Learn
(+24% better results)
Increase Intention to Use
(+18% better results)
Align Learning to Career Goals:
(+17% better results)
Increase Belief in the Ability to Learn:
(+11% better results)
Modeling & Practice
(+15% better results)
Setting Goals and Actions
(+11% better results)
Align Learning to career goals:
(+17% better results)
Increase Belief in the Ability to Learn:
(+11% better results)
Peer Support
(+33% better results)
Manager Support / Coaching
(+26% better results)
Clear Connection to Job
(+17% better results)
Reviewing Learning Content
(+11% better results)
Notice that Peer-to-Peer activities are the #1 thing you can do to impact learning. It’s a full 33% boost. Pretty impressive, right?