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Microsoft Project is a powerful project management tool that enables users to create detailed project plans, including a comprehensive project calendar. However, it’s kind of a pain to add all of the holidays one by one.

To help you get started, here is a Microsoft Project calendar template with all US holidays. This template was created and sent to us by Per A. Alm, Department of Neuroscience, Uppsala University, Sweden--after watching an instructional video by one of Gravity Learning's founders.

With the A.L.M Template (Automated-holiday Layout Maker), you can easily create a project calendar that includes all of the US holidays, ensuring that you avoid planning work on major holidays.


To use this template, simply download it and open it in Microsoft Project. From there, you can customize the calendar to meet the specific needs of your project. This template includes all of the major US holidays, such as Christmas, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, and Labor Day, making it easy for you to plan around these important dates.  You can replace your global calendar with this one, using the MS Project Organizer.

Once you have customized your calendar, you can then use it to create detailed project schedules, assign tasks, and track progress. With this template, you can easily see how holidays and other important dates will impact your project schedule, allowing you to make necessary adjustments. This can help you stay on track and ensure that your project stays on schedule, regardless of any unexpected holidays or events.

Overall, a Microsoft Project calendar template with all US holidays is a must-have for anyone looking to effectively manage their projects using the full power of Microsoft Project.

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