Women in Traditionally Male Dominated Industries – 3 Part Series

Target Audience : Future Women Leaders In Traditionally Male Dominated Industries

Few women reach the upper echelons in industries that are traditionally male dominated. Barriers to advancement are reinforced by systems, mindsets, and sometimes by self-fulfilling prophecies

The good news is that you can learn to leverage research-supported skills and strategies that the most successful female leaders have used to break through their own glass ceilings

In this workshop series, we pull back the curtain on the psychological science behind barriers to professional growth. You’ll hear stories from women who pioneered the way and learn step-by-step skills they used to succeed. You’ll learn, rehearse, plan, and confidently impact your own career advancement

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Loved the different steps and approaches. Instilled more confidence and understanding. Helped with networking with other women. So overall an excellent program!!”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I like the mix between neuroscience/behavioral science and how it can be applied in real life situations. Great exercises to practice these skills as well. Very engaging overall.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I really enjoyed the class and actually shared a lot of what I have learned with my team members and direct leader. Hopefully this class will continue to be held in the future. I also really enjoyed the all women forum as it led to interesting discussions.”

$585.00 /Per Person

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