Interview Skills – Rethinking how to land a dream employee
Innovative Techniques for Hiring Top Talent
The most important conversation is the one where you decide whether to bring on someone as a new team member. And yet, the average time a manager dedicates to interview preparation is 10 minutes.
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to develop and deliver interview questions to get you employees you really want.
What People are Saying
Sherri Andjus
“Great class and I’ll be rethinking the way I’m wording our standard interview questions to find the best employees.”
Kimberly McEwen
“I love the score card method. It’s a great way to ask the same question to everyone and lessen the chance of bias. Also, the ask zero that do not pertain directly to the job advice. My other tip I will be using is “Don’t just ask questions, dig into answers”.”
Adeeb Arafeh
“Really great session. helps me reframe the questions i come up with to allow me to better assess candidates’ skills for the job”
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